Ipsissima Verba: Collected projects of Father Dylan Schrader


Project Sites

The Cross-Referenced Ordo Missae The Order of Mass with relevant paragraphs from other documents, such as the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, the Ceremonial of Bishops, and Notitiae in parallel columns.
Notitiae Response Database Responsa ad dubia (Responses to Doubts) on liturgical topics from the journal Notitiae of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (formerly the journal of the Consilium). Responses are usually in Latin; some have been translated into English.
Liturgical Books of the Roman Rite Bibliographic information on current liturgical books in Latin for the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
Leonine Reprints Reprints of the Leonine Edition of St Thomas Aquinas's works: S. Thomae Aquinatis opera omnia iussu impensaque Leonis XIII p. m. edita. These are printed on demand and sold through Lulu at cost.
Translations by Fr. Dylan Schrader Various translations I have done.
Resources Some presentations, essays, booklets, and my curriculum vitae.
The Christian Symbolism of the Unicorn A page discussing the Christian symbolism of the unicorn, drawing on primary sources.
Reynard the Fox A page that catalogues many versions, editions, and re-tellings of the medieval Reynard cycle.
Beasts, Talking Animals, and Catholic Tradition A page that explores rational animality via the Catholic tradition's speculation, imagination, and depiction of beasts, talking and anthropmorphized animals, extraterrestrial life, and so forth.
St Joseph of Cupertino The entry on St Joseph of Cupertino from the Acta Sanctorum.

